What if we could rebuild our country from scratch?
What if we could take all the best ideas from all the best democracies from ancient Greece to modern-day America, and create a new government powered less by greed and ignorance and more by compassion and wisdom, born again of justice and equality and common sense? Standing on the shoulders of giants like Madison and Hamilton, could we fix the broken machinery of today's American government and get it working right again? Or has the rust from a century of entropy and greed brought the gears to a slow grind, preventing our progress, and keeping us divided, demoralized, and always within reach of our lowest common denominator?
A nation's soul is defined perhaps as much as by its laws as by its people, and in our country the laws are made by Congress. So if we can change Congress, we can change the laws. And if we can change the laws, we can change the nation. We believe the time has come to change the nation. We believe the time has come for open-minded Libertarians and Greens and Constitutionalists and Independents and Tea Party members to join together and form a true third party equal in every way to the Republican and Democrat parties which no longer represent us.
It won't be easy. These inbred robber barons have yet to allow a third member into their incestuous little monopolorgy and they're not going to throw open the doors without a fight. It is my hope that when those doors open and we unseat these inept executors of our great Republic, they can appreciate the irony in the fact that they might have continued their reign indefinitely unchallenged had they not given in to the dark side and made everything about money and power. But they did, and now even those of us who have always thought our two-party system superior to the multi-party European model know in our hearts that when you have only two parties with access to the political system, and both are corrupt, we no longer live in a democracy.
So this site is about restoring that democracy. It is about We The People. It is about all of us who hear the cry of freedom and the call of service, but whose voices are no longer heard by those tasked with representing us. It is about joining together despite our differences, and finding the solutions to the problems our leaders have created. And it is about incorporating those solutions into an historic, unifying document which will serve to bring together pragmatists and thinkers from across the political spectrum in demanding equal access to our political system.
“You say you want a revolution, We all want to change the world.”